
British Council Learn English Kids
Let your children explore this website; they will find lots of fun games, activities and crafts. Learning English doesn't necessarily have to be boring!!

BBC Learning English
Improve your grammar, learn new vocabulary and listen to the latest news. This website offers a wider range of activities both for teachers and students.

MacMillan Language Games 
Learn new phrasal verbs while taking part in the competition or check your knowledge of irregular verbs with the Irregular Verb Wheel. 

Those of you with a good visual memory will find this dictionary particularly interesting. You will learn new vocabulary by just having a look at a picture, no need to have long explanations and a list of synonyms.

Great website where teachers will find a list of topics and questions related to the topic. This very useful for conversation lessons where the main goal is not grammar but acquiring fluency.

For football fans who are trying to improve their vocabulary about footbal, the British Council has created this website in association with the Premier League. Try it, it's fun!!

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab
Website for students who wish to improve their listing skill. All conversations are in context but the accent is American though.

CUP website with a collection of resources taken mainly from the BBC grouped in terms of listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and so on. It also allows you to collect other resources and add them to your box.

Purdue University OWL
OWL stands for Online Writing Lab - A set of resources to improve your writing paying special attention to the use of grammar and punctuation.

Website with online games to boost your vocabulary. Word search, unscramble, hangman, crossword...

Practise your listening with scenes taken from popular movies and TV commercials.

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